If users don’t find what they’re looking for quickly, most won’t spend their time and energy to dig for it. You have a small window of time to capture a user, so you want to make sure there’s no question about how you want them to interact with your site. This is why you should have a clear call to action on your website. This is a key factor for your 2018 web redesign.

clear call to action

How to determine if your Call To Action is clear

First, identify what it is that you’d like a user to do when they visit your site. Do you want them to fill out a contact form? Sign up for your e-newsletter? Register for an event? You may identify two or three goals. Now: Is it easy for users to complete that task? If your ultimate goal is to collect email addresses, but you don’t have a form where users can sign up to receive your emails, it might be time to rethink your current design. This is what we call the call to action.

[yikes-mailchimp form=”6″ submit=”Get your website Facelift Now”]

Need some help?
If you think you may be interested in website design but have additional questions not mentioned above, our highly experienced team can help! We work to help clients achieve their Internet marketing and website development goals day in and day out, and it would be our pleasure to answer any questions you may have.

Please contact us today to learn more about website design with F22 Internet Solutions!
