website conversion rate

For the average landing page the conversion rate is 9.7%, which means they’re doing something right. When people visit your website, the hope is that they all convert into buying customers, but this isn’t always the case.

If you notice your website conversion rate is low, there are some things you can do to increase this. Continue reading our brief guide to finding out information about how a live chat and website design can be beneficial to improving your page conversion.

Make Your Website Easy to Read

Website readability directly affects your conversion rates because people don’t want to read content that is complex or too busy. When deciding on your website design, ensure you keep it simple by selecting a font that’s easy to read.

You also want to keep the colors you use throughout your website simple yet cohesive. Most people don’t spend time reading entire pages of content. Instead, they want to be able to scan a website and pick out the information they deem relevant.

If you’re unsure how to create a cohesive website, you can hire a company specializing in it. They’ll ensure that the first impression you make on website visitors leads to future interactions.

Utilize Live Chat

There will be times when customers have questions outside of business hours. One thing that increases their frustrations is not having access to someone that can provide them with a solution.

When potential customers don’t get the answers to their questions, they’re likely to look elsewhere. Instead of costing your business customers, using live chat is the best way to nurture these connections with potential customers.

Live chat can also be used as a resource to build customers’ confidence in using the products and services your business specializes in offering. Keep in mind that when you create a chatbot, the more features it has, the more expensive it will be.

Shorten Website Forms

If a potential customer runs into any friction in the buying process, it can cause them to lose interest instead of being converted into a paying customer. Another common reason people hesitate is the presence of long forms on your website.

Do you have forms on your website that might be too long? If so, it’s best to shorten the form, which increases the trust between yourself and your potential customers and reduces the amount of time they’ll spend filling the form out.

Offer Proof

Customers want to have proof that your products and services work. The best way to offer this proof to potential customers is to have a page on your website linked to past customer testimonials.

It’s essential that you offer a mixture of positive and negative testimonials. By doing this, you show customers all aspects of your business.

Ways to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

If your website conversion rate is low, there are ways to increase it, including offering proof that your products work. It’s also helpful if you simplify your website decision.

Not sure how to do this or develop a website, to begin with? Contact f22 Website Solutions and let us help you and your company.
