types of emails

How is your email marketing plan? Are you finding success or are you struggling? Do you think that there’s room to improve? When you first start utilizing email marketing as part of your digital marketing strategy you might spend some time learning the ropes. That’s totally okay! We’re here to offer some advice to newcomers and those who are revising their plans. There are a few types of emails that every savvy business owner should be sending to subscribers. Are you checking off all of the boxes?

Not sure? Let’s talk about it. Keep reading for our top 5 choices for emails that you should be sending.

1. A Welcome Email

This one should be obvious, but we don’t all have the same baseline of information!

When you get a new subscriber you should absolutely send them a welcome email to welcome them to your subscription list. This helps them feel seen and it helps to establish that initial relationship and brand trust.

It doesn’t have to be lengthy or in-depth. Just let them know that you’re there and the subscription was successful.

2. The Survey

Do you want your customers and subscribers to know that you’re listening? This is the way to do it.

Send out survey emails every once in a while to hear your subscribers’ opinions on what you’re doing with the business or your emails. This is also a great way to avoid losing subscribers to your email list. Is something annoying? Listen and be willing to change!

3. The Gift or Offer

Offering discounts or gifts to your subscribers might seem counterproductive, but it’s a great way to make them feel like they’re part of an exclusive club and thank them for choosing your business.

Sending a custom coupon code or link to a free gift voucher (especially on birthdays!) is a kind gesture that will generate more business for you while providing value for the customer. Remember: you always want to provide value.

4. The Poke, or the “Abandoned Cart”

Do you want to remind your customers about something that they forgot in their cart? Give them a little prod via email to bring them back to your site.

Sometimes when we’re digital window shopping we move on from one site and move to another. How can you provide more value to that customer?

This is where we combine emails. You can set it up so that when your customer abandons the cart for a set amount of time, a coupon will show up in their inbox. Maybe they didn’t want to buy your product at full-price, but what about at a 15% discount?

5. The Newsletter

A newsletter email is standard in email marketing. It can happen once per week or once per month, but make sure that it’s packed full of information that your customers actually want to know.

If you have any sales, new releases, or events planned for the month, this is a great place to share them. It’s also a good place to insert any fun tips that your subscribers can use that are relevant to your business.

Which of These Types of Emails Are You Skipping?

Do you find yourself skipping some of these types of emails? No worries, there’s no time like the present to change it up.

Test out some of these emails on your subscribers and see how they do. You’ll thank yourself later.

For more digital marketing advice that you won’t want to miss, or to check out our email marketing services, visit our site! We want to help your business thrive.
