paid advertising services

Have you struggled to reach new customers recently? Instead of using billboards and flyers, rely on paid advertising services.

Over 90% of Americans find local businesses online. Of these, 65% of customers click on pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Using paid advertising can generate a 200% marketing ROI.

You’ll need to know how to track your marketing KPIs to ensure success. Read on to learn how to monitor your campaigns today!

Outline Your Goals

To effectively monitor your PPC campaigns, outline your goals. Perhaps you’re prioritizing:

  • Brand awareness and recognition
  • Website traffic
  • Leads
  • Your ROI

Defining your goals will help you determine which marketing KPIs to track. For example, measure impressions to track brand awareness.

Identify Marketing KPIs

Once you define your goals, you can review the results of your campaigns. Here are a few marketing KPIs to track.

Quality Score

Quality Scores rank on a scale of 1 to 10. They determine how relevant an ad is for the consumer.

Quality Scores consider:

  • Landing pages
  • Ad relevance
  • Click-through rate

The higher the score, the less you’ll page for ads. Your rankings will improve, increasing your reach.


Impressions indicate how many people are viewing your ads. This does not mean they’re interacting with it.

Low impressions indicate you should change your target keywords. It’s likely many consumers aren’t searching for that term.

Click-Through Rate

The click-through rate (CTR) indicates how many times an ad generates clicks for every 100 impressions. If 200 people see your ad, but only 20 click on it, the CTR is 10%.

A low CTR could mean poor ad relevance or rankings. The average CTR for ads on the first page of results is over 3%. Ads on top have a CTR of 8%, while ads at the bottom receive 0.2% of clicks.

Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate compares ad interactions and conversions. If an ad generates 1,000 clicks and 30 conversions, the rate is 3%.

A low conversion rate could indicate a poor landing page or call-to-action. You may need to adjust the ad language or landing page.


The cost-per-click (CPC) measures the cost of all clicks divided by the number of clicks for one ad. If your CPC is high, you’re likely not generating conversions. You may want to pause certain ads or adjust your spending.

Cost Per Acquisition

The cost per acquisition (CPA) considers the total you spend on an ad compared to the number of conversions. This will help you determine the cost for each new customer.

A high CPA could indicate poor ads. Your marketing ROI won’t improve.

Adjust Your Advertising Budget

After reviewing your marketing KPIs, determine if you want to adjust your advertising budget. The average small business spends between $9,000 and $10,000 a month on campaigns. Your spending can vary based on:

  • Your industry niche
  • Market conditions
  • Regional conditions
  • Your target audience

Increasing your budget could extend your online reach. Consult your marketing agency to confirm you’re using your advertising budget wisely.

Invest in Paid Advertising Services Today

Don’t request paid advertising services without understanding these marketing KPIs first. Instead, consult a professional. They can monitor and adjust your campaigns to improve your ROI.

Our team at F22 Internet Solutions is dedicated to meeting each client’s exact needs. We can raise your brand’s online visibility.

Rely on our personal touch and technical expertise. Contact us today to start advertising online!
